This recipe may seem complicated because of the amount of ingredients, but it’s easy. This would be a great lunch to make with the kids, or simple to serve as a main dish for your next barbecue.

Chicken marinade:
2 pounds chicken breasts, trimmed and pounded
1 teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon ground black pepper
¼ cup olive oil
2 generous glugs balsamic vinegar
2–3 tablespoons raw honey
5 drops Lemon oil
5 drops Basil oil
4 drops Marjoram oil
2 drops Cilantro oil
¼ cup olive oil

3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 cup fresh herbs
4 ounces Greek yogurt
1 avocado, skinned and pitted
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 small glug of red wine vinegar
4–6 drops Lemon oil
Salt and pepper to taste


6–8 brioche rolls or some other buttery, soft bread
1 English cucumber, sliced thinly
2 cups baby spinach leaves

  1. Put chicken in a container or plastic bag. Add the rest of the chicken marinade ingredients to make a marinade. Let marinate for at least three hours, or overnight.
  2. In a food processor or blender, add garlic and herbs and pulse until chopped.
  3. Add avocado, Greek yogurt, raw honey, red wine vinegar, Lemon essential oil, and salt and pepper. Process until the mixture is combined.
  4. Grill chicken on a hot grill rack for 8–10 minutes, or until chicken loses its pink color and reaches an internal temperature of 165° F. Let chicken stand for at least five minutes. In the meantime, cut the rolls and get ready to build your sandwiches.
  5. Put spread onto both the top and bottom halves of the roll. Layer spinach on the bottom, then chicken, then cucumber.


Recipe Credit:  DoTerra Blog