Fall is here in all of its beautiful brilliance!! I absolutely LOVE this time of year as we anticipate the upcoming holidays, all the festivities, the traditions, the celebrations, and more.

However… I feel a heavy burden right now that I can’t seem to shake. As we watch all that is going on in the world around us, the politics, the division among people with different viewpoints, our heroes of last year losing much-needed jobs this year, massive supply chain breakdown, and much more, it is disheartening to say the least!

While my faith is in God and not what I see around me, we are ALL affected by what is happening in this country.  One huge problem that concerns me greatly is the shortage of critically important professionals that is being created by these mandates. I’m already hearing from people that are not able to get the help that they need!

One of my passions that has always fueled me in this business is EMPOWERING OTHERS! If I couldn’t get to the doctor, for the most part, I would be perfectly fine. (Of course, if I had a broken bone or something serious, I would need a doctor!) However, for any sickness that comes along, skin issues, hormonal challenges, mood/emotional issues, pain (I’ve been dealing with a VERY painful pinched nerve!!), fatigue, sleep issues, stress management, etc., I HAVE SOLUTIONS at my disposal!!

In the midst of the craziness in my life, I have begun teaching wellness empowerment classes again. People need to be empowered and ready for anything as we enter into the winter months where germs flourish and challenges with professionals and supply chain may get worse.

If YOU don’t feel ready, PLEASE come to one of my classes! I teach in my home AND online. If you would like for me to come to YOUR home to teach to your family and friends, I would love to do that, as well! We NEED to get this message out, and I would love to partner with you to do that!

Stay well, remain grateful for our many blessings, and may God bring you joy and peace in the days ahead!



Monthly Promotions

NOW is the PERFECT time to bless a friend!! These enrollment kits are designed specifically to help get the right combination of powerful tools into your home for your family’s health. The kits already have products discounted BELOW wholesale pricing!! NOW, you get an ADDITIONAL 20% on top of that!! If you need help getting your friends started, connect with me OR they can simply click on the link below!

ENROLLMENT PROMOTION: 20% Off Select Enrollment Kits

Natural Solutions
A collection of the best doTERRA products meant to help you live a natural life, free of harmful toxins. https://doterra.me/KuL1KMn8 (***Discounted from $485 to $388.00!!)

Healthy Habits
This kit includes products recommended for daily use in order to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle. https://doterra.me/MIAZOePt   (***Discounted from $195 to $156.00!!)

Home Essentials
The blends and single oils in Home Essentials have been hand-selected to provide you with the most important tools to help you live an active life, both mentally and physically. https://doterra.me/gQurWwQO   (***Discounted from $249 to $199.20!!)

Cura Collection
Cura being a Latin word for “care”—brings together some favorite natural alternatives so you don’t have to guess or feel lost! https://doterra.me/jZn9w5AA (***Discounted from $249.50 to $199.60!!)

HOLIDAY OFFERS: Select Products are HERE for November!!!!

See what’s available here!


I have scheduled classes in November and December. Connect with me for more information. Space at classes is limited so that I can give more specific attention to people’s needs, so make sure we get your signed up to save your spot!! Extra treats when you bring a friend!! Once we get you scheduled, I want to send you a free sample to enjoy BEFORE the class!! 

Tons of important info for you!

Natural Moisturizer

Finding a moisturizer that is perfect for your skin can be tricky. Some moisturizers are too tacky, thin, streaky, or simply don’t work for your skin type. Combat these problems by making your own customizable moisturizer in just a few steps. This DIY contains Lavender oil, which is a great oil to use with any skin type, and leaves skin nourished while soothing away minor skin irritations.

Click here to read more

Sweet Potato Casserole

Try this delicious holiday recipe with a healthier doTERRA twist: a Sweet Potato Casserole with pecan topping and spiced with Cinnamon Bark oil. This side dish is sweet, creamy, and highlights some yummy fall flavors. Get the recipe here.

Snacking Chocolates

For those times when you want a sweet and simple treat but you don’t want to spend hours baking, these Snacking Chocolates with Peppermint essential oil are just the ticket. They are the perfect little snack, only require four ingredients, and can be made in a hurry. Plus, the dark chocolate, almonds, and coconut oil make this a healthy alternative to most processed candies and junk foods. Happy snacking!

Cuticle Cream

Cold weather can be tough on skin and cuticles. Making a homemade cuticle cream is a great way to bring moisture and health back to nails. This essential oil cuticle cream can also be used on hands, lips, or anywhere with dry spots. Get the recipe here.

Video of the Week

Check out the doTERRA Product Posts

Check out the doTERRA Science Posts

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Diana Jensen

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FREE Product of the Month!

An ancient symbol of victory, Laurel Leaf promotes an environment of courage and concentration. As a natural cleanser and skin soother, Laurel Leaf essential oil helps you accomplish the little victories you strive for each day.

15% Off!

Douglas Fir has a unique chemical composition that’s particularly rich in β-pinene, contributing to its ability to encourage an optimistic and stimulating environment.


These soft pumpkin cookies are quick and easy to make. The combination of Cinnamon Bark, Ginger and Clove oil makes for an extra pumpkin spice flavor and you truly have the best pumpkin cookies ever!
Click here

The fresh vegetables, chicken and creamy sauce are brought to life in this soup with a few drops of Oregano oil. This soup is tasty and satisfying. 
Click here

Give a sweet treat to the amazing people in your life. These homemade suckers can be made with any of your favorite internal use essential oils.
Click here

Source to You

This site gives information about the entire process of creating the most pure, potent, and effective oils on earth. Users can search lot numbers for the chemical breakdown and purity of the oils.

Visit www.sourcetoyou.com
to learn more.

Essential Living

If you have any questions, call 484-459-2670