Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed wonderful holiday celebrations and are ready to make 2022 an awesome year!

For those who know me well, you know that I am driven to help serve people to the best of my ability. I hope you find these newsletters inspiring, encouraging, and full of great ideas/recipes/DIY’s/etc. that you enjoy!

I NEED YOUR HELP!!! One of my focus’s this year is working to address specific needs that YOU have! One way I accomplish this is by offering FREE WELLNESS CONSULTATIONS. If you have never had a wellness consultation with me, I would love to schedule a time to connect and go over your specific health challenges and offer helpful protocols to address those challenges.

Another way I help people is through the education that I put out on social media and my own website. What I need from YOU is suggestions for topics you would like to learn more about regarding holistic health. I would love to record more videos related specifically to what YOU want to learn about! Do you want to learn more about specific oils? Our amazing supplements? Specific health challenges? Emotional support? Holistic healthcare for kids? Whatever it is, I would LOVE to know how to serve you better. Would take a minute to respond to this email and let me know how I can serve YOU better? I am looking forward to connecting with you and walking with you into better health and wellness in 2022!!

Joyfully yours,


Monthly Promotions

SPECIAL PROMOTION: Digestive Wellness Program

The Digestive Wellness Program is everything you need to calm unwanted digestive disruptions and discomforts naturally, while also promoting overall healthy digestion.* Get targeted, effective digestive support that’s natural and safe for the whole family.*

30 Days to Amaze!!! 

If you haven’t already registered for our 30-Day Cleanse and Restore, it’s not took late!! This cleanse is very effective while gentle. Typically, people feel much more energy on the cleanse, sleep better, gut issues clear up, hormones and mood balance, and more! Even though we are beginning on Monday (1/10), many people are still awaiting their products to arrive and will join in a bit later. We will have a private FB page AND online venue for you to enjoy amazing education, engagement, encouragement, inspiration, recipes, lifestyle tips, exercise videos, and much more. We will also have education from holistic practioners throughout the cleanse. If you have your own account, grab the Cleanse and Restore Kit ASAP! If you are NEW to doTerra, simply click on the link to get started!

For the cleanse, start here: https://doterra.me/r6FBWy91

For the cleanse WITH the weight loss products, click here: https://doterra.me/kMvAJFTp

Feel free to call, text, or email me with any questions!!

Tons of important info for you!

You Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

In the health and fitness world, there is an oft-repeated adage: you can’t out-train a bad diet. There is no debating that regular exercise is one of the foundations of health, but when it comes to weight management, the science gets a little less clear. Although we often hear how decreasing levels of physical activity is one, if not the, primary cause of the growing rates of obesity globally, the most current research suggests that although we tend to be more sedentary in leisure time, we actually perform more direct and focused exercise than at any time in recorded history.

Continue reading here

Spearmint, Sweet Orange Flower, and Exercise

When you think about natural exercise products, perhaps the first essential oil that comes to mind is peppermint. As a rich source of menthol, peppermint offers a wide spectrum of benefits for everybody, from the novice gym-goer to the highly competitive athlete1. However, it isn’t the only essential oil that should be in your gym bag. According to clinical research, spearmint and sweet orange flower essential oil may also help support your athletic goals.

Read more here

Which Skincare Products Are Right for Me?

If you know doTERRA, you’ve probably heard of our skincare collections. Each of our skincare products has been thoughtfully designed to fulfill your body’s needs. Whether you want to reduce the appearance of blemishes or promote youthful-looking skin, doTERRA has got you covered. And it’s all done with the powerful essential oils you know and love.

Get the full article here

Supporting Your Immune System and the History of Lemon Eucalyptus

In this episode, we talk with Samantha Lewis, a member of the doTERRA Product Marketing team, about how you can use essential oils to help support your immune system every day. We’ll also take some time to explore the history of Lemon Eucalyptus.

Listen here

Video of the Week

Check out the doTERRA Product Posts

Check out the doTERRA Science Posts


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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Diana Jensen

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       FREE Product        of the Month!

The subtly sweet, cool aroma of Japanese Peppermint fills the air. The Japanese Peppermint plant has many uses, and so does its essential oil.

10% Off!

With natural preservation properties, essential oil from the native Canadian Arborvitae tree acts as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent, while providing a warm, earthy aroma.


Change up the flavor and add a pop of color to your next chilly beverage with these fruity essential oil ice cubes.
Click here

You’ll really enjoy all the wonderful flavors of this easy-to-make Lavender-Blueberry Milkshake.
Click here

Smoothies are a delicious, convenient way to get in your fruits and vegetables for the day. This smoothie bowl recipe includes antioxidant-rich raspberries, as well as Lime oil, which is often used as an internal cleanser.
Click here

Source to You

This site gives information about the entire process of creating the most pure, potent, and effective oils on earth. Users can search lot numbers for the chemical breakdown and purity of the oils.

Visit www.sourcetoyou.com
to learn more.

Essential Living

If you have any questions, call 484-459-2670