Do you know my favorite way to use essential oils??? I definitely love diffusing EVERY day and trying out different amazing blends. I also love the therapeutic benefits of using my oils topically and internally for many different uses. These oils have literally transformed my health and become my natural “Medicine cabinet!!”

However… one of my FAVORITE ways to use essential oils is in my COOKING!!! Many of you may not have considered incorporating oils into your cooking. Because of the high concentration of essential oils, a little goes a long way, and the health benefits are bountiful!!

Incorporating oils into your cooking does a number of wonderful things, some of which are:
– Enhancing flavor
– Providing the body with their health benefits
– Convenient and safe additions to your food

There are specific oils I encourage you to consume including: Basil, Thyme, Lemon, Ginger, OnGuard, Wild Orange, and so many more!! These are great examples of delicious and beneficial oils to add to foods and even beverages. Of course, I encourage you to check each and everyone bottle for directions on their use, as some are NOT meant to be consumed—like Wintergreen, for example. Remember… if the bottle has “Supplement Facts,” it is safe to ingest. Your bottle will also list how it should be used.

Because doTERRA oils are tested and re-tested for their consumption safety, you know you’re getting the best quality. Many companies add fillers and substitutions to enhance the scent and quantity of the oil, making them UN-safe to ingest. However, you have NO fear of that with your doTerra oils!

Click on this link to watch a class I did a few years ago on COOKING WITH ESSENTIAL OILS. (The quality is not great, but you’ll still get some great tips!)

Get in touch for some of my favorite tasty recipes! Head to my website ( and check out the different recipes that I have already uploaded. More will follow!!

Yours in Health!


***If you are enrolled and wanting to DIVE DEEPER in knowing how to do MORE with your oils, don’t miss our continuing education series beginning TONIGHT!!! We’ll have weekly classes every Monday evening at 9:00 pm EST from now through 11/18. Class topics include Essential Oils for Kids, Women’s Health & Hormones, Mood/Stress/Sleep, Pain Relief, and more!! Connect with me for the link to those online classes!***

Monthly Promotions

SPECIAL PROMOTION: Pure Relief – 200 PV: Deep Blue® Rub and Copaiba Softgels

Get your hands on Deep Blue® Rub and Copaiba Softgels FREE with any 200 PV order while supplies last. (If you do this in your LRP account, you’ll also get FREE shipping and 10-30% back in points for FREE product!!!)

Deep Blue® Rub
doTERRA® Deep Blue Rub is a topical cream formulated with Deep Blue Soothing Blend of CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade® essential oils, natural plant extracts, and additional helpful ingredients that provide a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas.

Copaiba Softgels
Copaiba Softgels provide a daily dose of Copaiba Essential oil in a convenient easy-to-swallow softgel. When taken internally, Copaiba essential oil may help support the nervous, cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and respiratory systems.*

Tons of important info for you!

Using the Spice Essential Oils

All of the spice oils’ most obvious use is in cooking—these are potent oils however, so all that is needed in most instances is a toothpick. Cooking with these oils helps enhance the flavors in the dish, and also carries over some of the benefits of the spice oil—for example, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cassia, Coriander, and Cumin, Dill, Fennel, and Ginger all maintain gastrointestinal health or promote digestion when taken internally.* Cassia and Cinnamon Bark also have been known to support and strengthen the immune system.* Read more for the list of ways each oil has a unique impact on your body.

Four Places Where Toxins Are Hiding in Your Home

You’re exposed to countless toxins daily. Nearly every activity you do—breathing, eating, cleaning—exposes you to chemicals, natural and synthetic. Unfortunately, many everyday products unnecessarily expose you to toxins. You might wonder what the big deal is. Surely toxins aren’t really that bad. Read about four major hidden toxins that might lurk in your home, as well as how you can get rid of them.

Essential Beard Oil

According to recent surveys, 1 out of 4 of males aged 18–59 uses beard care products on a daily basis, and 3 out of 4 say they currently use them or have used them in the past year1. The look, feel, and health of beards is a legitimate concern for men—and those who love them—and the answer is just a bottle (or two) of CPTG® essential oils away. Beard oils are becoming increasingly popular because they can change the look, texture, and health of your favorite facial friend in a matter of seconds. The science behind beard oil is quite simple. Within a matter of days, even the best efforts to grow a beard can result in a dry, itchy, and disheveled mess.

Click here to read more

Trick-or-Treat Roller Blend

When the kids go out trick-or-treating, apply this blend on the back of their necks to keep them resilient throughout the night’s activities. This blend offers the perfect support for immune systems, especially when the weather is turning cold.

Get the recipe here

Video of the Week

Check out the doTERRA Product Posts

Check out the doTERRA Science Posts

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Diana Jensen

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      FREE Product       of the Month!

Cypress oil has a fresh, clean aroma that’s energizing and refreshing. Cypress is frequently used in spas and by massage therapists. Cypress essential oil contains monoterpenes, making it beneficial for oily skin conditions.

10% Off!

A sacred tree to the Incans, Pink Pepper essential oil is distilled from the fruit of the pink peppercorn tree, which was used by indigenous people as herbal solutions to health needs. Pink Pepper essential oil is well known for its ability to help support a healthy metabolism and immune system when taken internally.*


Adding essential oils to homemade soap is a wonderful way to infuse potent, natural fragrances. Not to mention, it allows you to experience any benefits the oils may hold for the skin.
Click here

Sugar scrubs are a great way to exfoliate and soften your skin, and can easily be customized using different types of sugar, salt, oil, and essential oil. This festive fall sugar scrub is gentle on your skin and has a delicious, spicy fall aroma.
Click here

This pumpkin pie is a creamy, sweet dessert perfect for the holidays. The combination of Cinnamon, Ginger, and Clove makes for a pumpkin pie filling that is warm and spicy.
Click here

Source to You

This site gives information about the entire process of creating the most pure, potent, and effective oils on earth. Users can search lot numbers for the chemical breakdown and purity of the oils.

Visit to learn more.

Essential Living

If you have any questions, call 484-459-2670