A Note From Diana

Despite all odds, we’ve reached September! Going stir crazy? This month’s newsletter is packed with fun DIY ideas for your essential oils.

There are so many different uses for your essential oils! It’s easy to forget just how versatile they can be. This month, try using your favorite oil a new way. Lavender oil, for example, not only smells incredible and creates a sense of calm, but when used topically with coconut oil, it can soothe irritated skin. I just applied it to multiple mosquito bites that attacked me most unexpectedly when I was visiting my son at his home!  It took the burning and itchiness away!

With kids back to school now, whether in the classroom or virtual, there are great things that can help kids stay strong and healthy with cold and flu season coming!  I wanted to share my short class on “Kid’s Essentials” with you to give you some helpful and practical tips for your kiddos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLRIqV_ERbI&ab_channel=jOILfulTransformations

As we continue to navigate through these challenging and unprecedented times, I want to encourage you to find ways to stay strong and positive and NOT give in to fear!  Our world is steeped in fear and negativity right now. Our culture seems angry and toxic over social issues and division with the upcoming election.  My prayer is that we can all find peace as we navigate these turbulent times.  For me, my anchor is the Lord and staying grounded in His Word of Truth.  Whatever helps you stay in a place of joy and peace, I encourage you to actively pursue that since that powerfully impacts your health!!

Need some helpful tips on how to do this? Let me know!  As always, I’m here for you, so reach out and let me know how I can best serve you!

Monthly Promotions

Start School with Stronger® 

Whether the kids are heading out to class or staying home for lessons, the Brevi® Diffuser and Stronger®5 mL will provide a fresh and uplifting aroma while your kids work on their schoolwork.

Tons of important info for you!

Almond Orange Scrub

One way to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy is to exfoliate regularly. This natural, four-ingredient scrub will help eliminate dead skin cell buildup and simultaneously boost your mood with the help of Wild Orange oil. Read more here

Pets and Essential Oils

As essential oil users, we have come to use oils to benefit so many different areas of our lives. It is only natural, then, to want to benefit our furry friends as well. However, current research on using oils with our pets, from dogs and cats to horses, is limited. Read more here

How to do a Sugar Detox

Have you ever wanted to do a sugar detox? Do you ever feel weighed down by too many treats, a not-so-healthy diet, or just too many processed foods? If you want to go off of sugar, you might try a week-long, 10-day, or month-long sugar detox first, instead of trying to quit cold turkey. Read more here

Jasmine Touch Uses and Benefits

The floral oils offered by doTERRA are each unique because of the delicacy of the flower petals they come from. Among them, Jasmine absolute is unique not only for its rarity but also because of the way it has to be produced. Read more here

Video of the Week

Check out the doTERRA Product Posts

Check out the doTERRA Science Posts

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Diana Jensen

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Product of the Month!

White grapefruit, though different in color and slightly more tart, shares many of the same benefits of your favorite pink grapefruit!
10% Off!

doTERRA Serenity has a calming aroma that creates a restful environment at bedtime.


If you’re trying to lose weight, Slim & Sassy® TrimShake has a variety of uses! Click to read more!

Yummy!! Coconut Lemongrass Red Lentil Soup

Easy to make all-natural energy bites are here!

Source to You

This site gives information about the entire process of creating the most pure, potent, and effective oils on earth. Users can search lot numbers for the chemical breakdown and purity of the oils.

Visit www.sourcetoyou.com to learn more.

Essential Leadership

Essential Living

If you have any questions, call 484-459-2670